
The BT Tester requires an INI format configuration file to obtain some necessary information. The configuration file needs to be stored in the root directory of the TF card, with the file name config.ini

Generate default config file

take M1 ~ M8 Turn all 8 switches to H Position and press K1 key to generate a default configuration file in the root directory of the TF card. The file name is config-def.ini

Modify config file

  • Modify config-def.ini if necessary
  • Save config file as config.ini

Config file DEMO

# This is config file for Actions BT Tester

#  comment
;  comment

# case sensitivity, no space or tab character in Section and Key
# Format
# [Section]
#     Key = Value

	#生成此文件的BT Tester版本号
	version = 0.0.2
	# 要求 BT Tester 的最低版本号
	require_tester_version = 0.0.2
	# 要求 DUT 关于测试盒功能的最低版本号, 非DUT版本号
	require_dut_version = 0.0.2

	# Use same OTA bin file to upgrade ?    0: different ota bin ;   1: same ota bin
	# 使用单一OTA文件进行固件更新?   0: different ota bin ;   1: same ota bin
	use_same_ota_bin = 0
	# OTA BIN Name of DUT #1, /SD: SD Card file system
	# DUT #1 使用的 OTA 文件, /SD: SD Card file system
	dut1_ota_bin_name = "/SD:/ota-#1.bin"
	# OTA BIN Name of DUT #2   Ignore this item when use same OTA bin file
	# DUT #2 使用的 ota 文件; 当使用单一OTA文件时,忽略此项配置
	dut2_ota_bin_name = "/SD:/ota-#2.bin"

	# kHz, frequency deviation of BT Tester Box
	# kHz, 测试盒/UPT与精准源频率偏差,DUT需要进行补偿
	tester_freq_offset = 0
	# kHz, frequency deviation low limit for check
	# kHz, 频偏验证最小值,最终频偏值低于此值,会报错
	cfo_low_limit = -10
	# kHz, frequency deviation high limit for check
	# kHz, 频偏验证最大值,最终频偏值高于此值,会报错
	cfo_high_limit = 10
	# channel no when test,default is 36
	# 校准时,使用的channel编号,默认为 36
	channel = 36
	# Write capacity setting。 0:NOT Write	1:Write to Efuse  2:Write to Efuse and Nor
	# 校准完成后,电容值写入到哪里。 0:不写入  1:写入Efuse  2:写入Efuse+Nor
	cap_write_region = 2

	# Use rssi for check?
	# 使用信号强度验证?
	rssi_limit_enable = 1
	# dB, rssi high limit for check
	# dB, 信号强度验证最小值
	rssi_low_limit = -70
	# dB, rssi low limit for check
	# dB, 信号强度验证最大值
	rssi_high_limit = 20

	# BT Name of DUT , MAX size : 30 Bytes
	bt_name_dut1 = DUT1
	bt_name_dut2 = DUT2

	# BT Address of DUT
	bt_addr_dut1 = F44EFD000000
	bt_addr_dut2 = F44EFD800000

	# 0:Increase  1:Random  2:Fix
	bt_addr_gen_type  = 1